Hi. welcome to my blog.

Hi. I'm Danial Amin-Rahmanlou.

"dan-yuhl • aa-min • rah-man-loo"

Hi. welcome to my blog.

24 Aug 2021

Hello! Since I had some free time on my hands, I decided to go ahead and set up a very basic blog for my website. I don’t know how frequently I will post here, but I figure it’s good to have set up if I ever need it for whatever reason. Plus, sometimes it’s good to have a place to spew your stupid ideas and rant.

Me looking conspicuously. Credit: Mark Moffat

Still figuring out some kinks though, for example, as I write this (it might be fixed by the time your eyes have seen this), the titles of my posts aren’t coming through properly. Only the first word is capitalised, and it is ignoring the period that is meant to be at the end of “blog”. Oh well, I’m sure it’s an easy fix and this blog beats my other idea of using LinkedIn to write random stuff. Why I hate LinkedIn is a whole other blog post on its own 👀.

Welp, I’m not sure if I will announce on Instagram that I now have a blog. Probably not, so if you see this before I have announced that I have a blog, wave hi at me on Insta!